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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1851 to 1860 of 4048
  1. CognitiveEntropy
    February 18th 2012 07:25 PM - permalink
    I"m doing well. Thank you! How are you?
  2. HisPrincess
    February 18th 2012 06:24 PM - permalink
    Yeah, for sure. How about you, how have you been?
  3. CognitiveEntropy
    February 18th 2012 06:14 PM - permalink
    Hey there! Hollie, correct?
  4. HisPrincess
    February 18th 2012 06:12 PM - permalink
    It's been going alright. It has its challenges, let me tell you. But for the most part, it's been a good learning experience.
  5. HisPrincess
    February 18th 2012 06:04 PM - permalink
    Yeah, I remember my time here on staff very clearly. I've gone back to public school since then, so it's going to change the times I get online a little bit, but I hope to be just as productive as last time.
  6. HisPrincess
    February 18th 2012 05:57 PM - permalink
    I've missed you too! Gosh, it's been so long! I know, I'm excited! What's so neat is I've already had this position before, so reading the manuals again is like review. :P
  7. Hollifire
    February 18th 2012 05:55 PM - permalink
    I think we all wish we could see how amazing we are
    But at least you're not conceited, I mean being modest is so much more appealing
  8. Hollifire
    February 18th 2012 05:39 PM - permalink
    Awww, thanks
    But seriously though, don't ever feel down about yourself because there's no reason to. You're a remarkable person. Everyone sees it. Never let your self esteem drop because you're having an off day <33
  9. HisPrincess
    February 18th 2012 05:35 PM - permalink
    Thank you so much! It feels so good to be back.
  10. Hollifire
    February 18th 2012 05:26 PM - permalink


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