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Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1791 to 1800 of 4048
  1. Hollifire
    March 18th 2012 12:20 AM - permalink
    Awww, thanks. <3
    But, you're beautiful too. =)
  2. Mercyfall
    March 17th 2012 11:00 PM - permalink
    Well, Avatar: The Last Airbender is an animated TV series on Nickelodeon. It was really popular, so they made a movie about it.
  3. Mercyfall
    March 17th 2012 10:52 PM - permalink
    Idk, I like to keep my mind open. It did have some entertainment and the effects were good. If you saw the original show, you wouldn't like it.
  4. Mercyfall
    March 17th 2012 10:41 PM - permalink
    I've heard that it was decent. It was better than The Last Airbender, which had the same director. I forget his name.
  5. Mercyfall
    March 17th 2012 02:46 AM - permalink
    Lol. So what movies are you interested in seeing? The Hunger Games looks good and I'm flipping out for The Avengers and The Hobbit!
  6. Mercyfall
    March 16th 2012 04:49 PM - permalink
    Hey, well I believe that you can get information from anything, no matter how small. Though, I find it difficult to watch black and white films, lol.
  7. Mercyfall
    March 15th 2012 06:52 PM - permalink
    Oh Lol! Wow, how lucky can you get? Your mom tells you to stop watching TV and you can just say that you're studying. xD
  8. Mercyfall
    March 15th 2012 06:44 PM - permalink
    Well, that's a good thing. I wish I didn't watch as much.
  9. Mercyfall
    March 15th 2012 06:30 PM - permalink
    It's a TV show that starts with Superman, in his teenage years and how he becomes Superman. It's a great show .
  10. Mercyfall
    March 15th 2012 04:43 AM - permalink
    Oh, I'm still on S4. It's a really good show Did you ever watch Smallville?


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