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Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1731 to 1740 of 4048
  1. Cassie999
    April 4th 2012 02:18 PM - permalink
    is it Use Invisible Mode Invisible mode allows you to browse the forums without appearing in the 'Currently Active Users' lists. Use Invisible Mode?
  2. Castiel's Angel
    April 4th 2012 12:45 PM - permalink
    Castiel's Angel
    Yea, just became one at the end of last month. It's really good, I like having a new way to help people.
    How long have you been a buddy?
  3. Castiel's Angel
    April 4th 2012 11:55 AM - permalink
    Castiel's Angel
    I'm great. Yourself?
  4. Castiel's Angel
    April 4th 2012 11:34 AM - permalink
    Castiel's Angel
    Thanks for the compliment.
  5. Spirit.
    April 4th 2012 10:14 AM - permalink
    How's Easter break so far? I'm glad to hear you're taking things easy Man, I'm glad that's over! One less headache huh? Oh! When do revisions start?
    I have exams right now. Finished one yesterday, have four more to go
    That's exactly what's up! Lol. But I'm going to surprise my friend today, its her birthdya, we're throwing her a small party, and afte, a few of us are getting together to watch the ipl (indian premier league - cricket matches) at my friends place, then sleepover, study, come back home in the morning! <3
  6. Cassie999
    April 3rd 2012 09:18 PM - permalink
    Oh. You have made yourself invisible?
  7. Cassie999
    April 3rd 2012 09:12 PM - permalink
    Yeah she is older enough to know whats right and whats wrong well except for the age of 13. That makes both of us that we watched it in a young age. I wonder if they will ever do it again that series. How come i can't see you online on here? how did you made yourself invisible?
  8. Cassie999
    April 3rd 2012 08:57 PM - permalink
    Two brothers and no i wouldn't say i'm close to them. I try and be nice to my younger brother who is 10. I just get annoyed easily because he makes noises and stands in the front of the telly and i know it's not his fault because he doesn't mean too. I see you like The secret diary of a call girl. I've watched that since i was about 14 or 13 i wasn't meant to watch it at that age because it's still inappropriate and it still is because i'm underage but i don't really care :P i enjoy the series.
  9. Cassie999
    April 3rd 2012 08:43 PM - permalink
    it is. So do you have any siblings your close to?
  10. Cassie999


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