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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1571 to 1580 of 4048
  1. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 09:06 PM - permalink
    My nap didn't work out.
    You're very welcome. I care about you so I'll tell you all the time if I have to.
    And thank you! So are you.
  2. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:47 PM - permalink
    Think I might take you up on that... but after I take a nap. I've got 4 hours of sleep last night and I'm about to fall asleep on my laptop.
    I understand what you mean. Just know that you're not alone. If you ever feel ignored/alone/anything, feel free to PM/VM me. I'll try to cheer you up.
  3. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:38 PM - permalink
    Er, if I talked about it on VMs I might get kicked off staff.
    Ah, makes sense. Anything YOU want to talk about?
  4. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:32 PM - permalink
    Eh, I've been okay. What about you? <3
  5. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:23 PM - permalink
    Thank you lovely. <3
  6. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:07 PM - permalink
    You're very welcome. I'm here if you need to talk. <3
  7. Stargazed.
    April 22nd 2012 07:02 PM - permalink
    Hey you. Just thought I'd tell you that I care. <3
  8. WhisperingSilence
    April 22nd 2012 02:58 PM - permalink
    Baha thanks, I get back from the stables and helping with my friends horse and see I'm green xD
  9. Jimmy :P
    April 22nd 2012 10:33 AM - permalink
    Jimmy :P
    thanks that really nice of you hollie nice to meet you btw , how have you been lately ?
  10. Bite Me
    April 21st 2012 07:10 PM - permalink
    Bite Me
    Thank you so much. I hope you do too. You deserve all the happiness in the world and then some!


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