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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1541 to 1550 of 4047
  1. Eternal
    April 30th 2012 12:51 PM - permalink
    Hollie! Happy birthday! <333
  2. ☪ ERIN JUDE ☪
    April 30th 2012 11:32 AM - permalink
    ☪ ERIN JUDE ☪
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! DAMN IT, I WANTED TO BE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrr...... Oh well. Happy Birthday beautiful! I hope we both have great days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Coffee.
    April 30th 2012 10:06 AM - permalink
  4. Riddikulus
    April 30th 2012 08:09 AM - permalink
    Happyyyy Birthdayyyy Holliepie!!!! Loves youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! xxxxxxx <3333
  5. theinfatuatedpanda
    April 30th 2012 06:39 AM - permalink

    Happy Birthday Hollie! xx
  6. Spirit.
    April 30th 2012 05:08 AM - permalink
    I miss you too!!! <3
    I'm so glad to hear you're getting better! Aw, that sucks, you should go tell them to lighten the load on your school bag They're mean people! My exams went alright I guess. Rohit made me study Thank god for him!! Like really. I wouldn't have studied otherwise!
    Thanks so much Holl, that means so much!!
    Hahhaa, *blussshhhhhh* yeh, little hard to just get in there. Lol. It's a pretty on the fence thing for me. Let's see! I mean... a little, well, confusing as well. Lol. I've give you the deets soon.
  7. Spirit.
    April 30th 2012 04:47 AM - permalink

    Hollie! <3
    You've been with me through all my hyper exciting times and my horrid times as well! You're an amazing person and a friend and you have a heart of gold!! This here, is to show you how much you mean, and what better day to do it than your birthday?? I hope your day is brilliant! I hope you get lots of presents and I wish you all the very best in everything related to life, because you totally deserve it! 'Cause you're pretty awesome like that
    Oh, and my friend Rohit wants me to wish you! My bbm status is dedicated to you, so he was like, please wish her for me, so I'm like, sure, I can do that, it totally won't be weird being wished by a stranger, as long as it's my friend...? Hahahha. Take care, lovely Hollie, I love you so much!!!! <3 <3
  8. Jack Lowden
    April 30th 2012 03:33 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
    Happy birthday, Hollie!
  9. Mercyfall
    April 27th 2012 09:28 PM - permalink
    Thanks! It's awesome to be on staff!
  10. Unknown10
    April 26th 2012 08:10 PM - permalink
    I want to thoughhhh xxx


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