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Everglow. Offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1521 to 1530 of 4047
  1. Troubled_Heart
    May 2nd 2012 07:44 PM - permalink
    Thanks honey <3 I know it's awful. It's really the worst thing I could do.
  2. Troubled_Heart
    May 2nd 2012 07:38 PM - permalink
    We've been talking for a few months... And I really am confident. Tbh I'll probably take a couple of friends along for the first hour just incase.
  3. Troubled_Heart
    May 2nd 2012 07:04 PM - permalink
    I know.. but I swear the only times I smile are when I talk with him. Even if he is a rapist who's gunna mug me and stuff, at least he made me happy for a bit. Once that's gone I have nothing left, no hope at all. Which makes me sound like an idiot. I do get how stupid it is, I'm just beyond caring.
  4. Troubled_Heart
    May 2nd 2012 06:27 PM - permalink
    Awesome That'd be such a fun job too :P

    And I know. I don't blame her in the slightest. And I feel so so guilty, and I did try to reason with her. But she didn't listen. And I know that there is a possibility and stuff. But it's like I've met local internet people before (not arranged but we saw each other around) and I just don't care anymore. If I screw my own life up it's not like anything'll be different...
  5. Troubled_Heart
    May 2nd 2012 06:19 PM - permalink
    haha that's AWESOME You thinking about going into media when you're older?

    and yeah, in reply to your blog comment, I know someone that used to go out with him, I know loads of internet people that have met him so they can't all be bad bearing in mind I know 2 irl :P and his fb basically shows he is and (I was weary at first) he has sent me a couple of pics cuz I nagged him and they all have his iphone in them which is obvs newish so he's the age he says he is :P The rape thing is the only issue but public sort that and I know my way round where we're going and we're meeting in public at a train station so if he is dodgey there is help around. But I am like very sure! (98%)
    And I told my mum all this and she still banned it all but like it's kinda worth my life being hell.. at least it'll give me an excuse to be like this.

  6. Fearlesshope
    May 1st 2012 05:20 AM - permalink
    Aww hello there, it was great talking to you too Absolutely, we definitely need to talk often. Thank you, stay strong too. xxxx
  7. ¯|_(ツ)_|¯
    May 1st 2012 02:29 AM - permalink
    Haaappy birthday!!!!
  8. Wildflower ♥
    April 30th 2012 10:02 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    Happy happy birthday! Love you <3
  9. Troubled_Heart
    April 30th 2012 09:48 PM - permalink
    haha :P Just need to motivation to revise :P
    haha xD I'm sure you'll do great
    And haha yeah :P don't even know why :P How are you anyhoo????
  10. Stargazed.
    April 30th 2012 09:46 PM - permalink


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