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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1321 to 1330 of 4048
  1. Kindred
    May 31st 2012 06:29 PM - permalink
  2. Kindred
    May 31st 2012 06:29 PM - permalink
  3. Wildflower ♥
    May 31st 2012 06:27 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    But to which
  4. Wildflower ♥
    May 31st 2012 06:16 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    1. No, you can't have my hat, it goes with my boots.
    2. No, I want to keep 2 year old me, I keep me.
  5. Wildflower ♥
    May 31st 2012 06:04 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
  6. Palmolive
    May 31st 2012 03:11 PM - permalink
    Thanks Hollie (:
  7. Raining Glitter
    May 30th 2012 11:53 PM - permalink
    Raining Glitter
    Oh well you have time and look, you are are almost half way there! I would try your school's art department. I'm not sure how it works there, but in the US (at least my area) we have photography and art classes that can help build a portfolio for college. actually one of my best friends took a class, ended up teaching photography to herself, and also got a photography internship at a local company her senior year! Definitely if you get buddy buddy with your art teachers/division heads, you should be able to use their resources to build a wonderful portfolio
  8. Cassie999
    May 30th 2012 05:11 PM - permalink
    Okay cool. so whats your favourite color?
  9. Hollifire
    May 30th 2012 10:50 AM - permalink
    Well, you know if you ever want to talk, I'm always here for you. <3
  10. Raining Glitter
    May 30th 2012 02:06 AM - permalink
    Raining Glitter
    You can save up enough money! I know you can! It might take a while, but you will get there! Plus, ever heard of student discounts? You know, once you get to college, photo editing programs and be really cheap because of student discount rates. I know Photoshop offers a good student program


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