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Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1221 to 1230 of 4048
  1. Evanesco
    June 9th 2012 12:50 PM - permalink
    She opened it this morning, she really liked it. ^_^ She's wearing it now.
  2. Halcyon
    June 9th 2012 06:43 AM - permalink
    I don't believe we have. Very pleased to meet you, Hollie. I am known as Haley around this place.
  3. blumemusik♫
    June 8th 2012 06:34 PM - permalink
    Thank you so much <3
  4. Spirit.
    June 8th 2012 01:55 PM - permalink
    I have missed you ever more, and I hope you're doing well!! <3

    Haha, I will fill you in on everything very very very very soon!!!!
    And I told him thanks from you!

    And you're the cutiest cutie in the worlddd!! :*
  5. Evanesco
    June 8th 2012 09:59 AM - permalink
    I got her a cute, kinda alternative looking charm bracelet and a necklace with a frog on it.

    And thank you. ^_^ You have a pretty face.
  6. Halcyon
    June 8th 2012 06:38 AM - permalink
    You are most welcome, and thank YOU for the hugs.
  7. Halcyon
    June 7th 2012 11:22 PM - permalink

    You've just been hugged. <3
  8. Unknown10
    June 7th 2012 11:43 AM - permalink
    Why thank you
  9. Unknown10
    June 7th 2012 11:41 AM - permalink
    Mr postman, Mr postman now you're gone, I will never be able to finish my song!
  10. Obliviate
    June 6th 2012 11:20 PM - permalink
    Same, I really miss you You make me smile. Exams have already started, but media is next Thursday. Forgot to bring home my specification and ah dear. Kind of scared to be honest. What would you say if I said everything? ahah
    It's lovely to hear that things are slowly improving. It's all about taking it slow and steady. Everyone has off days, so don't let them get you down. You're amazing Hol <3


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