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Outside, huh?

Everglow. Offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1061 to 1070 of 4047
  1. OmNom
    July 11th 2012 02:03 AM - permalink
  2. Jack Lowden
    July 9th 2012 07:01 AM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
  3. Wildflower ♥
    July 9th 2012 02:37 AM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    I'm asking many people this question, you're turn to be asked it

    Ok, so my sister is going back to Israel tomorrow, so I am getting a new ring...I have 2 quote choices, the first one has been my quote since I was born because I was born at sunrise and that's my middle name in Hebrew, the 2nd one is a line from my favorite song (Darkeinu aka my username) but I can't decide...the last ring (that the ocean ate) had the first quote...which one do I want
    1. "Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?"
    2. "All the good is still before you, Put your head on my shoulder, Put your hand in mine"
    or 3. (also from the same song) "You won't walk alone, I'll be there with you"
    if i pick 2 or 3, it's gonna have 2 people holding hands...if i pick one, it'll have like half a sun, kinda looking like it's rising...the little pic will be like an icon, but it'll be where the quote starts and ends
  4. Amorphous.
    July 9th 2012 12:27 AM - permalink

    Did you just come off leave or is it just me? If yes, welcome back. If not, soz LOL. I loooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee that photo you send people, "You are amazing just the way you are." That is actually my background on my laptop LOL.

    Oh, wait it's not you, Jessie came off leave. Anyway, hope you're having an awesome day!
  5. Palmolive
    July 8th 2012 10:58 PM - permalink
    You look pretty what ever the colour you're in
  6. Chuuya
    July 8th 2012 09:20 PM - permalink
    Kay so I just watched The Shawshank Redemption and then I saw your sig, and I was like "That seems so familiar..." And then I facepalmed
  7. WhisperingSilence
    July 7th 2012 09:57 PM - permalink
  8. Kindred
    July 6th 2012 12:53 PM - permalink
    I, beautiful girl, am I stalker.

    I found your facebook.

    Andandand it said you like Panic! at the Disco.

    Therefore, we are soul mates.

    That is all
  9. Eternal
    July 4th 2012 12:02 PM - permalink
    Don't feel bad about taking a day off of school lovely, we all need some time to just relax.
  10. Wildflower ♥
    July 3rd 2012 11:06 PM - permalink
    Wildflower ♥
    Madagascar 3


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