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esfdhtfy Offline

Dream Big

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Showing Visitor Messages 111 to 120 of 288
  1. LadiesLlama
    August 14th 2009 01:57 PM - permalink
    You're beautiful. <3
  2. DeletedAccount69
    August 14th 2009 12:28 AM - permalink
    That sounds cool.

    Me? Nope I start school Monday so I am getting all prepared for that. I am actually really excited for school to start but once the work piles up I will be like "when will this ennnnnd!" But thats how it always happens.
  3. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 11:55 PM - permalink
    Wow thats a lot of schools. Thanks I will look into them.

    How are you doing? Got any last minute plans for summer? Big trips? Little trips? Something in between :P
  4. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 10:04 PM - permalink
    But on a side note...maybe the science approach?
  5. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 10:04 PM - permalink
    Haha I don't know? All I know is I want to be a therapist when I am older. Ugh my school does not help me at all. Thats why I need to transfer so I can get proper help.
  6. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 05:48 AM - permalink
    I want to be a therapist. So in the USA after undergrad I would have to get my PH.D I really want to work with teenagers but some adults would be okay too. Haha that probably doesn't help much
  7. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 05:04 AM - permalink
    Hey that would be cool. Maybe you could give me some names of good colleges and I could go from there
  8. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 04:35 AM - permalink
    Haha I should but I have no clue what good colleges are
  9. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 04:25 AM - permalink
    LOL. That kind of sucks but parents have a hard time of letting go . I bet it took a lot of convincing.

    I don't really have to convince my parents; if I want to go far away I go far away because I am an 'adult' but eh I know they don't really like the idea. However, I need to think about me and my parents can't provide the right environment for me so...yeah I am really considering moving far away.
  10. DeletedAccount69
    August 13th 2009 03:59 AM - permalink
    Yeah. I am a little wary about it because I want to move away from home but I think it would be a good thing for me.

    I am not too good with the Canadian Universities. A long time ago, when I was still in high school, I looked into some as an option but I decided against it. Thats good you liked them though; you always want to like the colleges you are going to go to

    Would you be going far from home or staying pretty close?

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