Well, it's great that you're self-motivated enough to try and get into AP Calc! Personally, I think I would have hated Physics B - I took honors physics last year (which was somewhat similar in the sense that it was algebra-based rather than calculus-based), and it just seemed... so...
pointless. I wasn't learning real science and I knew that - in fact, calculus and physics were created to complement each other, so it just seemed ridiculous that they were essentially teaching a class that required you to memorize a bunch of boring formulas and memorize their specific applications and pass it off as physics. That really isn't what the subject is about...
Ha, I'm not as open-minded as I could possibly be. For starters, I REALLY don't enjoy the life sciences (i.e. biology and chemistry). Maybe it's just at the high school level, but my biology class was essentially a test to see how much you could memorize from a textbook. And chemistry... ugh, don't even get me started. Here's how I see it: Random stuff reacts with other random stuff at random conditions/temperatures (with a zillion other random exceptions) to produce more random stuff. Random elements give off electrons and form random geometrical shapes. I mean, I can see why it might be useful, but it's just so... pointless to me
On the other hand, the beauty of physics is that it applies to so many things in the real world. Even the average layman would probably be more familiar with basic principles such as gravity and kinetic/potential energy (roller coasters anyone? lol) than with what kind of color Element X produces when it is heated to a certain temperature and reacted with Element Y, or what the different parts of a flower are called. Plus, in physics, you get to learn why birds fly (aerodynamics!) and how your microwave works and why an eraser or a grape would explode if it was put into said microwave. Hence why physics = <3.
I'm so jealous that you get to pass by the campus every single day! What's it like? I've been to NYC before but I don't think I ever went to visit Columbia... anyway, I'm currently on the waitlist there and will go in a heartbeat if accepted.