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Welcome me, I'm new!

Eniddd Offline

c'est la vie en fait.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 421 to 430 of 483
  1. Hyper Sonic
    January 19th 2009 10:20 AM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Yes, you should be. At least after a tea break anyway
  2. Hyper Sonic
    January 19th 2009 10:14 AM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Ah of course. At least you don't have to do wave particle duality (which is much easier than it sounds )
  3. Hyper Sonic
    January 19th 2009 09:59 AM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    ?!!? 86% is great

    apart from some thermodynamics I don't get how physics comes into chemistry
  4. Hyper Sonic
    January 19th 2009 09:01 AM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Have faith in yourself - you'll be fine I'm sure :]

    I thought you didn't do physics
  5. Hyper Sonic
    January 19th 2009 07:33 AM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    You'll be OK, UCAS take ages trust me.

    You'll be fine - your predicted grades are what you're predicted (obviously) and unis use those so you'll be ok

    You can has my tea and *hugs*
  6. Hyper Sonic
    January 18th 2009 07:01 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Yep, it is me

    I'm ok thankies, you?
  7. Hyper Sonic
    January 18th 2009 05:57 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    Jaffa cakes should be eaten by lifting the top part off and leaving all the chocolate behind

    I'm not a fan of rich tea as much lol
  8. Hyper Sonic
    January 18th 2009 05:30 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    He scares me too lol, but Rob can do anything xD

    Jaffa Cakes are brilliant but I was talking about dunking. Although custard creams or plain digestives are my favourite dunkables
  9. Hyper Sonic
    January 18th 2009 05:24 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic

    And I dunked custard creams into my tea but now I am all out
  10. Hyper Sonic
    January 18th 2009 05:20 PM - permalink
    Hyper Sonic
    You're asking the wrong person

    I just made an epic cuppa

About Me

  • Basics
  • About
    About me
    Well, i'm finally 18 :D
    and i come from wales, in the uk (not a part of england)
    and i siarad cymraeg :)
    to be honest, i'm very random, and i have no idea what to write in these things, so
    get to know me :) and then we'll take it from there xx

    (oh and i use way too many smiley faces)
  • Details
    Here for
    because teenhelp rocks :)
    Relationship status
    yeah, cuz like anyone would want me?
    Welsh :D
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    student duhhhh architect eventually :)
    Very liberal
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    wellllll, um teenhelp? :D
    i'm an internet addict
    i like messing round with card and paper and glue and stuff :) and drawing,
    and watching rugby, going climbing :)
    lazing about is a prime hobby of mine
    as is parler français de temps en temps
    umms, well music isn't my life, it accompanies it occaisionally, i like most mainstream stuff
    hip hop is good for clubbing
    normal music is good for all other occaisions :)
    i like happy things :)
    don't like scary screamy metally things
    action, action, action

    its never about romcoms (N) lame
    typical girl aren't i :p
    james bond? yus :)
    pirates of the carribean
    harry potter
    the boondock saints
    the departed
    anything in my brothers dvd collection
    apart from some absolute stinkers (par exemple serenity)
    Spoooooooooks : )
    Brothers & Sisters
    The Apprentice
    Waterloo Road
    Robin Hood
    Gossip Girl <3
    i'll watch most amusing things :)
    not so keen on reality tv
    umm tetris? yah
    not as many as i should

    i liked harry potter :)
    as i did lotr, although i skip the frodo & sam bits
    Phillip pullman - HDM are good :)
    as is janet evanovitch's stephanie plum series (although completely unrealistic, they are hillarious :D )
    dan brown is entertaining
    lee child's jack reacher series is awshum :)
    umm yus, i should have more but meh
    RugbyRugbyRugbyRugby :)
    and hockey
    and i like playing pretty much everything :)
    except netball
    and badminton's wicked
    and OFC Climbing, although i guess tahts not really a sport?
    My two beautifuls :)
    Beckie & Marie
    Favorite quotes
    that one down there in my signature :)
    there are many more but i can never remember them
    Other interests
    talking? lots? yus
    i never shut up
    debating is like heaven for me :D
  • Signature
    I could hold you in my arms forever,
    and it still wouldn't be long enough.


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  • Last Activity: July 25th 2011 12:30 AM
  • Join Date: January 6th 2009
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