hmm. Well at least you didn't say "I am really bad" or something like that

. It would have been great to hear you say "I have been great" but I do know how it goes and life can be difficult but it has its good times as well.
Ahh sucks about camp.
I have been going to school and trying to get all that under control. And, I went to the financial aid office and there was this man with white hair who said "we need your info" and when I said I had no info he insisted that I did. He was rude and then made me feel this stuff out and I had to stop and say "I told you I didn't have any info I just wanted some information." I felt like kicking him or something. I don't like rude people. But, alas, I guess the world is composed of some not so nice characters? Hmm.
Other than that things have been going decent. Thanks for asking <3