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I've been here a while

Elizabeth Offline

Just keep swimming!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 149
  1. Palmolive
    August 11th 2010 03:55 PM - permalink
    Does it?! Mine starts on like the 6th Septemeber!!!
  2. Palmolive
    August 11th 2010 12:19 PM - permalink
    ACTUALLY, pretty well I tried to quite, lasted like four days and gave up. But this time i havent had one in early a week! And before that it was like nine days or something =P
    How're youu?! x
  3. facade
    August 11th 2010 03:30 AM - permalink
    but in and out is branching out D;
    but still! everything else!
  4. facade
    August 11th 2010 01:57 AM - permalink
    the wheather is so nice here.
    it's not usually too hot or too cold.
    plus we are in the middle of practically anything.
    we can got to the mountains or desert or the beach...
  5. facade
    August 11th 2010 12:42 AM - permalink
    i love california too!
    i dont know why people say that they hate living here.
  6. MadPoet
    August 10th 2010 04:54 AM - permalink
    We are complete opposites! I guess I wouldn't hate summer so much if we actually had air conditioning, but since we don't you basically sweat constantly, and it's miserable.

    I usually hate snow too but it sounds so great right now. I prefer being cold to hot, cold is something you can fix more easily. Hot coffee and blankets do the trick. But being hot is far more terrible. D=

    You totally have to see snow sometime. It sucks to live in it but the first snowfall is always awesome and exciting.
  7. MadPoet
    August 10th 2010 02:15 AM - permalink
    Haha, I do that all the time. I hate when that happens!

    I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Just wishing that summer was over, it's so hot in my house.
  8. MadPoet
    August 9th 2010 10:56 PM - permalink
    You seem really nice, and we haven't talked much before, so I just wanted to say hi. How are you?
  9. DeletedAccount31
    August 9th 2010 01:55 AM - permalink
    Haha, I know exactly what you mean. I hate it when books don't end like I want them to! Like you said, Jodi Picoult's books tend to have really off endings. It's funny, because I usually don't care for her characters very much, and sometimes her endings, but I love her books. It's overall plot that really catches my attention.
  10. DeletedAccount31
    August 7th 2010 02:03 PM - permalink
    Oh, I've heard Handle with Care is good! I haven't read it personally. You liked it?


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