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I've been here a while

Elizabeth Offline

Just keep swimming!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 121 to 130 of 149
  1. 3ofHearts
    September 29th 2009 04:13 AM - permalink

    Thanks, I'm quite a big fan of Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. Do you know about the new AiW Tim Burton movie coming out?

  2. lizalover
    September 20th 2009 08:59 PM - permalink
    hey, can we talk?
  3. BrittneyNicole
    September 11th 2009 03:49 AM - permalink
    Your tattoo is gorgeous!
  4. wonderbread
    September 10th 2009 11:23 AM - permalink
    I've had my ankle tattoo since I was sixteen and my wrist tattoo since January and I still get, are those real
  5. lizalover
    September 10th 2009 07:21 AM - permalink
    Thanks! No, I don't think that you're weird, I actually think that it's really cool. I actually had a really good day, thanks for asking. I hope that all is well with you.
  6. wonderbread
    September 10th 2009 04:09 AM - permalink
    Your tat is beautiful
    It took me like a trio look to sit there and say its music symbols
  7. CherriesBlossom
    August 13th 2009 04:07 PM - permalink
    nah i dont think your crazy.
    its from monster the energy drink
    i love that stuf mmmmmm<3
  8. Em...
    August 13th 2009 04:33 AM - permalink
    Pssh, lies, long distances stink. haha.
    Sorry for not responding to this sooner, things in my life have been a bit crazy and I haven't been able to get to a computer.
    Anywho, try out the long distances anyways. They are for endurance people, and can get boring, but it's good to be versatile. You could definitely try out the 400IM if they have that race available for you. That's my favourite long distance because it's always changing so it's never boring.
  9. PickingUpThePieces
    August 12th 2009 04:37 PM - permalink
    Oh god haha, good luckk! get studying!
  10. PickingUpThePieces
    August 12th 2009 04:08 PM - permalink
    Hahah, yes it does :]
    Thing's here are pretty good, could be better but, that's life!
    Ooo school starting, we start September 9th. It's a nice break, not TOO excited to go back haha. How are things?


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  • Join Date: January 8th 2009
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