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Junior TeenHelper

Duet With Myself Offline

For your sake, I'll be okay.

About Me

  • Basics
    The opposite sex to whatever sex Sprite is.
    It all started with a big bang.
  • About
    About me
    Heh. Lol. You actually expect me to explain myself?

    People these days.
  • Details
    Here for
    Relationship status
    Single... but I got my eye on some bastard so stop giving in to my seductiveness. Flirting is overra
    Does it really matter? ugh.
    High School
    Being a twat with an awful sense of humour.
    Poli= many tics= blood sucking creatures... eh, no thanks.
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Procrastinating. Yup. That basically covers my life. I'll do anything, as long as it involves not doing what I am supposed to do.
    Fall Out Boy, OneRepublic, Boys Like Girls, Greenday, Coldplay, Panic! at the Disco, Katy Perry, Owl City, Olly Murs, Simple Plan, Labrinth, Ed Sheeran, Paramore, Short Stack etc. etc. etccccccccccc. *brain implodes*
    Heh, Heh, Heh... Anything really, as long as I have a friend to cuddle up with :)
    Any shit show that's on, just to annoy people :P
    wha? Hide and Seek?
    Too many to count :P
    Netball, Basketball, Soccer, Running, Football, Athletics, Swimming... etc...
    Favorite quotes
    Always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.

    I hate it when I'm singing a song and the artist keeps messing up the words.

    Instead of saying YOLO recklessly, people should say it when they do something really safe. For instance, "Looked both ways before crossing the street #YOLO"

    Does anyone else find it ironic that the main official sponsors of the 2012 Olympics are McDonalds and Coca Cola?

    "Baby on board" Oh really? Thanks for letting me know, I was about to ram into your car, but now I won't.

    I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

    I went to the doctors today because every time I drink tea or coffee I get this terrible stabbing pain in my eyes. He advised me to try removing the spoon from the cup.

    The last day of the olympics should be all the gold medalists playing dodgeball until we have one ultimate champion.

    Friends are like a good bra, supportive, hard to find, and always close to your heart!

    I tried to be normal once . WORST five mintues of my life

    Oh wow. you're really gonna fight me over the internet? What's the worst you can do, caps-lock my ass?

    When you're ignoring a phone call, the phone seems to ring far longer than usual.

    pffft.. i did not fall, the floor looked at me funny so i used my mad ninja skills to attack

    Be optimistic: All the people you hate are going to die eventually. =D

    Perhaps I'm NOT an underachiever. Perhaps you're an overexpector!

    That awkward moment when you're at a red light and you look at the person next to you and they're already looking at you

    Admit it. At some point in life, you've tried to see if you have super powers.

    You're cool; I'm epic
    You're fresh, I'm fly
    You joke; I kid
    You walk; I swag
    You dream; I believe
    You're original; I'm unique

    The awkward moment when people are singing happy birthday to you and you're just sitting there smiling like an idiot.

    I like holding the door for people that are still far away to force them into an awkward run.

    Elementary: (Picks Up Phone) Hi Mommy!
    Middle: (Picks Up Phone)Mom, I told you not to call me when I'm with my friends..
    High School: Everybody SHUT THE HELL UP! (Picks Up Phone)Hi Mommy!

    I'm not clumsy. It's just that the floor hates me, tables and chairs attack me, and the wall just gets in the way.

    Talking to yourself is not weird.
    Answering yourself is.

    Today, I spent five minutes shaking a bowl of Jelly because it looked cool. I regret nothing.

    Maths is the only place you can buy 60 watermelons and no one questions you.

    I just saw a baby wearing a shirt saying:
    "Santa doesn't exist, but that's ok, cause I can't read."


    God made Heaven and Earth, and the rest was made in China.

    I saw a teenage boy in Wal-Mart in line at 1 A.M. buying a box of tampons, a box of chocolates, tissues, and cough medicine. It's guys like him that give me hope <3

    You know when you walk into a room and forget why you went in there? That's God playing Sims. He just cancelled your action

    "If you don't know the answer to a question on the test, just put 'Jesus.' Nobody could ever mark 'Jesus' wrong."

    DOES everyone's voice...
    in. their. head. pause. between. words. when. a. period. is. placed. between. them?
    ANd IF a PERrSon tyPEs Like thls,
    THey iMagINe a VOiCe going Up AnD Down?

    Anatidaephobia- the fear that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you.

    Happiness is finding one more M&M in the bag when you thought they were all gone.

    Death: Take my hand..
    Person: No! I know that if I touch you I'll die!
    Death: OMG you're so smart! High Five!
    *Person High-Fives*
    Death: Dumbass..

    I'm not affected by awkward situations, I create them

    "Is she pregnant?"
    "I don't know."
    "Go ask!"
    "No way! what if she's just fat?"

    Dear fake friends-first of all, you should know that I'm typing this with my middle finger :)

    when you get caught looking at him. remember he was looking back!

    The awkward moment when you're talking to yourself and start to smile like an idiot because you're so hilarious.

    I can't clean my room because I get distracted by the cool stuff I find.

    If you don't understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child

    When people who don't even know you hate you, thats when you know you're doing something right.

    Insane ? Ehh , we prefer " mentally hilarious "

    Have you ever looked at your best friend and asked, "How the f*** are we not comedians?"
    Other interests
    Pineapples, Penguins, Llamas, Music, Turtles, Friends, Seahorses and Europe :)
  • Signature
    “Go where you are celebrated – not tolerated. If they can’t see the real value of you, it’s time for a new start.”

    Dont be afraid to stand for what you believe in, even if that means standing alone..

    “Self confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. how can anyone see how awesome you are if you can’t see it yourself?”

    “When the past calls, let it go to voicemail, believe me, it has nothing new to say.”



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Blog - Reasons Why Brenna's a Fail! (yay)
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  • Last Activity: November 1st 2013 04:45 PM
  • Join Date: October 14th 2012
  • Referrals: 1


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  • Points: 9,749
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  • Views: 541
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  • Average Posts per Day: 0.08
  • Helpful Answers: 200
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Latest Blog Entry

Posted June 7th 2013 at 02:34 PM by Duet With Myself Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
well.. it's been a while :P I hope you havent been missing me too much You probably haven't, really, but OH WELL. If i am destant to enjoy this blog in solitude, in solitude this blog will be enjoyed!

Okay, firstly, I come from Australia, the land of Kangaroos, Vegemite and AFL, the latter of which I am to talk about. Before I get started, this website may be helpful to those yet to discover 'footy' http://www.girl.com.au/afl.htm
Well, now that the fundamentals are out of...

Posted February 11th 2013 at 11:22 AM by Duet With Myself Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I just want scrape the slate clean. Remove all the bad thoughts from this blog, and create a happy place for me and perhaps, even for others to share their ideas. I want this blog to become something interesting, maybe informative, and somewhere I come to be interesting and have fun. NO BAD DAYS WILL LEAK INTO THIS BLOG!!!! Okay guys, thats the idea, I'm going to put this into action!!

love you all inappropriately! xx


Posted January 19th 2013 at 06:55 AM by Duet With Myself Comments 2
Posted in Uncategorized
I know I may NEVER accomplish these, but I hope to.

My Bucket List.
I want to:
1. Travel the world with a friend.
2. To fall in love so that my heart takes over from my head.
3. Act in a movie or T.V show.
4. Have a happy family.
5. Meet Jedward.
6. Have a kid and give it plenty of middle names.
7. Bungee jump and or skydive.
8. Make a snowman and have a snowball fight.
9. Hold a sign in a public place reading...

Posted December 26th 2012 at 01:32 PM by Duet With Myself Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
i need to cut.
I cant cut.
what can i do?
my brain is driving me mental.
I need a way out
help me.

Posted December 26th 2012 at 12:17 PM by Duet With Myself Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Our car broke down, and we got stranded at a guy from my schools house. It was awkwardly fun... ish. He made me smile for the first time in a while. Like, in a friendly way. it was good, i guess
Recent Comments
Really? thats amazing!...
Posted February 10th 2013 at 12:45 PM by Duet With Myself Duet With Myself is offline
I love Jedward, too!!!...
Posted January 22nd 2013 at 08:16 AM by Greenie Greenie is offline
I'm crying... thankyou....
Posted December 26th 2012 at 12:15 PM by Duet With Myself Duet With Myself is offline
It sounds like things...
Posted December 25th 2012 at 11:25 PM by Palmolive Palmolive is offline
Thankyou so much Jay,...
Posted December 23rd 2012 at 08:54 AM by Duet With Myself Duet With Myself is offline

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