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Welcome me, I'm new!

DrunkenSheep1066 Offline

Social retard

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. CanadaCraig
    April 13th 2010 10:43 AM - permalink
    Happy Birthday Wendolyn!!
    I hope you're having a dandy day!!

  2. Vision
    November 19th 2009 10:21 PM - permalink
    Ahh, well that sucks!

    I hope you find the help your looking for here.

  3. s_tor_m
    November 19th 2009 04:13 AM - permalink
    Well at least you're doing good
    School meaning college aka uni...what are you in?
    I used to go in the chat room quite often but I'm hardly in there anymore. Buuut good luck and all that Hopefully nobody gives you a hard time lol
  4. s_tor_m
    November 18th 2009 05:14 AM - permalink
    It's all good It really doesn't seem like that long ago that I talked to you xD
    I'm pretty good...just busy with school and it's making me really tired all the time. but other than that not too shabby! How have you been?
  5. L'espoir
    November 10th 2009 08:29 PM - permalink
    Nope, doesn't make you sound like a stalker at all! I'm sorry that I haven't replied to your message already; I've had a lot on my mind so I've got behind on my messages. 3:54? Woah you must have been tired... Yup, pink is great and my profile is hawt Do you think its nice at least? lol xxx
  6. DeletedAccount56
    November 5th 2009 07:56 PM - permalink
    Hey there Wendolyn

    How are you??

    Your music taste sounds very like mine-a wee bit of everything. Variety is the spice of life after all

    So do you have much planned for the weekend?

  7. Vision
    November 5th 2009 05:05 PM - permalink
    Ahh no! That sucks! Hope the issues get sorted out soon!

    I'm doing Eng Lit, Art, Drama and Maths. Really enjoying them all

    Sounds like you know what you want to do!

    Blogging is always good. Theraputic

  8. s_tor_m
    November 4th 2009 05:12 PM - permalink
    Hahah :P I say it sometimes in random situations, and people usually look at me like I'm speaking another language. I quote too many movies hehe. You actually caught a baby squid? That's so cool! How did you catch it? Sorry you had to let him go =/ I bet that was a hard goodbye
  9. s_tor_m
    November 4th 2009 05:10 AM - permalink
    Well I think it's safe to say that people here are eager to get to know new people haha. Okay I must admit, when you mentioned "squishy" my initial thought was "I will call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy." I love that part! Ahh you're never too old to watch disney movies I can quote too many entire disneys...finding nemo included hehe
  10. Vision
    November 3rd 2009 08:53 PM - permalink
    I just read your About Me and it made me laugh! Especially about your location. Haha.
    No-one can ever find my house so I say 'Turn right at the corner shop and left AFTER the graveyard' and everyone's like 'Graveyard :|' and I'm like 'You asked to find my house, don't blame me if you get eaten by the un-dead on the way'

    That was a nice ramble.

    Anyways, I'm from the UK too Woo
    And in 6th Form...I love it

    What subjects are you doing for A level?

    How are you finding Teen Help? It really is a pretty cool place


About Me

  • Basics
    England, the original...not the remake
  • About
    About me
    To be completely honest, I doubt very much I could fit the oddity that is "me" into this box. I suppose im...umm... a very peculiar, common, thrilling, dull, content, depressed young lady who is a loner and wishes for more peculiar, common, thrilling, dull, content, depressed young friends. Apart from that im afraid you will have to get to know me and make your own assessment...but im sure this is a good place to start - http://livinglabyrinth.blogspot.com/
  • Details
    Here for
    Need help for a problem
    white middle class rural english...it is to a race :D
    Sixth form / college (UK)
    Work? Me?
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    N/A lol
    Everything and anything, from the whatever’s in the charts, to 70’s rock, to heavy mental, to Disney to R&B and snow patrol lol.
    Lord of the rings, harry potters, troy, snow cake, pirates of the Caribbean, tropic thunder, wah-wah, kingdom of heaven, i am legend (even though it scares me lol), cant think at the moment, i suppose i will love the hobbit when it comes out in the next few years
    South Park, Simpsons, QI, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, mock of the week, have i got news for you, monkey dust, top gear, Merlin, the Tudors, anything with David Attenborough, Charlie Boorman – long way around, long way down, by any means, futurama, scrubs, Stephen fry’s last chance to see, this list can go on and on, i watch way too much tv...
    Lord of the rings, the hobbit, harry potters, the curious innocent of the dog in the nighttime, Jeremy Clarkson’s for crying out loud
    David Attenborough, Stephen Fry
    Other interests
  • Signature
    ~ http://livinglabyrinth.blogspot.com/ - Living with anthropophobia ~
    Or on a much happier note, follow me into the land of the labyrinth :-)


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  • Last Activity: October 13th 2010 11:20 AM
  • Join Date: October 30th 2009
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