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Junior TeenHelper

Drey Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 71 to 80 of 112
  1. SimplyComplex
    April 24th 2009 10:47 PM - permalink
    Hey hun, I'm proud of you okay? I know the institution probably sucks but you can do this. I know it. They want to help and everyone else does too. Please try it ok? Try your best. We're all here to support you and we'll be here when you're back. I did want to Skype but I will wait until you're back I'll wait as long as it takes ok? Getting better is possible. Take care please. <3
  2. SimplyComplex
    April 22nd 2009 04:35 AM - permalink
    You weren't online today. I just wanted to be all like "OMG we didn't talk and make awkward moments!" So, I missed you :P Take care <3
  3. Tegan
    April 21st 2009 06:45 PM - permalink
    Hey, I'm so sorry for not responding in chat.
    My mom was like peering over my shoulder.
    PM me? Stay strong Xx
  4. Spirit.
    April 14th 2009 10:39 AM - permalink
    What happened?
    Are you okay?
  5. Spirit.
    April 10th 2009 08:52 AM - permalink
    Hey Drey!!
    Came by to give you a hug!
    Take care
  6. WashoutThePain
    March 27th 2009 02:25 AM - permalink
    **** more hugs ****
  7. Strider
    March 25th 2009 11:04 PM - permalink
    Hey Drey!
    Want to help me clear the buddy box?
  8. Tecatholic
    March 20th 2009 02:29 AM - permalink
    Hola! :-)!
  9. Tecatholic
    March 12th 2009 04:42 AM - permalink
    Hey! How have you been? I havent talked to you in a while.
  10. Spirit.
    March 7th 2009 04:08 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the luck!
    How'd you're midterm go? Okay?!!! :P
    I've done good till about now...about the rest...
    lets wait and watch ladies and gentlemen....Lol!

About Me

  • Basics
    Alberta, Canada
  • About
    About me
    Well I was going to the University of Regina, then I quit due to mental health issues. So now I'm working, currently as a baker.. which I am really enjoying. It's great to make something that most everyone eats on a daily basis.

    I have been through a lot in my life, if you want to know, just ask me. I have been through a lot of abuse, and have dealt with a lot of bad people.

    I have also had some good in my life, known a few really good people. I guess what I'm trying to say, is I've had some ups and downs, but currently things are fairly good.

    I have spent time in the psych ward, more than a few times, that's always... fun.

    What do I like to do? Lots of things but I enjoy making friends who are new and interesting and hanging out with said friends.
  • Details
    Here for
    Like to help and be helped
    Relationship status
    University - Undergraduate
    Christianish I guess
    Zodiac sign
  • Interests
    Music and volunteerism are basically my life if I'm going to be honest.
    Though I do like to read when I get the chance (which doesn't happen very often)
    Pretty much anything, besides rap.
    I don't really have any true favorites but I do tend to enjoy action movies as well as comedies.
    I don't often turn on the tv but usually I'll watch Simpsons or Family Guy or some of the reality series, just to pass the time.
    I play my PS2 and my Wii every so often but really.. I'm a sucker for board games (and card games and other things that people actually get to talk to each other rather than just look at a screen)
    I like to read series' rather than just one book that begins and ends a story.
    I watch a number of sports, hockey and football being the top two.
    When I can, I also enjoy playing sports, hockey, volleyball and badminton to name a few.
  • Signature
    PM me if you ever want or need to talk, I'm always around

    As long as you try, you have a possibility of success. This goes for every aspect of your life whether it be school, family, relationships or just life in general (or anything I'm leaving out).

    The answer is... just... T-R-Y


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General Information
  • Last Activity: April 26th 2016 06:49 PM
  • Join Date: January 6th 2009
  • Referrals: 0


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