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Jeez, get a life!

Doodle. Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1561 to 1570 of 1970
  1. MadPoet
    May 13th 2010 06:23 PM - permalink
    That's cool! :]
    Your awesomeness is seriously difficult not to notice.
    I'm doing okay. Just doing the usual stuff, TH and nothing else. xD How about you?
  2. Kitty.
    May 13th 2010 05:42 PM - permalink
    I am sleepy xD This is the last week of school for me.
    How are you?
  3. Moyshi
    May 13th 2010 04:33 PM - permalink
    Haha i'm sure you'll get better with practice! When I first took lessons my instructor paid more attention to the phone he was talking on then my driving. It was pretty horrific. I'm finally going to (maybe) get my full license this summer, even though I hate driving. Haha. I keep putting it offf.

    Moths are so creepy. I dislike all insects, really. Haha. Spiders, moths, caterpillars, ants, ect.
  4. rriot132
    May 13th 2010 09:57 AM - permalink
    haha cool. what music are you listening to? ♪♫ i was just working on a project thingy for history. i had to make something creative to show what happened at Sandakan in WW2. i decided to make a video presentation. spent like 3 hours on it. haha
  5. Kitty.
    May 13th 2010 07:48 AM - permalink
    Haii Buddy
  6. ARootlessTree
    May 13th 2010 04:18 AM - permalink
    why helloooo there what brings you to me old neck of the woods?
  7. MadPoet
    May 13th 2010 02:55 AM - permalink
    So I came to your profile to tell you that I completely love the image in your signature, so cool! And then I realized you have Hello Kitty on your profile, so I now love that as well. Your just too awesome for your own good!
  8. Double X
    May 12th 2010 06:44 PM - permalink
    Double X
    heyyyy what's happening?
  9. Kate888
    May 12th 2010 05:49 PM - permalink
    Yeah same with me, I used to be hard-core obsessed but I don't have as much time anymore and I'm into a bunch of other kinds of arts now. Me too, I want to see lady gaga in concert but they sold out in like 5 seconds. LOL. Justin beiber is sold out, too. I'm actually mostly it to hard rock, though, despite the celebs I just mentioned. What is your part time job? I'm trying to get a job at a drive-in. TeeHee. Good luck with driving! I'll start practicing in one year.
  10. Kate888
    May 12th 2010 03:07 PM - permalink
    Yeah!!! I love anime and I'm like obsessed with anything Asian. Yes and they were amazing in concert. They are making a new album right now so start looking for it at the stores soon! Heehee! Yay! *also listen to them on ipod* What songs of theirs do you like? I'm doing pretty good today, my life has been slow lately but I might get a job soon. U?

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  • Basics
    Wales, U.K.
    United Kingdom
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    funzies :D
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
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    Favorite quotes
    "But it's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then" - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
  • Signature
    "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."


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  • Join Date: August 31st 2009
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