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Jeez, get a life!

Doodle. Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 141 to 150 of 1970
  1. Everglow.
    June 17th 2012 08:42 PM - permalink
    I want the kitty in your sig. So cute....
  2. Kindred
    June 14th 2012 06:44 PM - permalink

    That is all.

    (Harry Potter ftw :P )
  3. shebby
    June 11th 2012 10:42 PM - permalink
    I. Love. Your. Avatar. <3
  4. Moxie.
    June 11th 2012 07:23 AM - permalink
    Hey, I'm Sammi.
    I saw your UN somewhere on the site and I had to take a random moment to celebrate the Harry Potter reference!
  5. havehopeyourbeautiful
    June 8th 2012 01:24 AM - permalink
    hello how are you
  6. Camisado
    June 8th 2012 12:01 AM - permalink
    Aww I bet it still looks awesome its nice to meet you too! Im a bit all over the place really but right this second im ok! Can never tell how im gunna feel next wbu how r u doing? Oh and just wondering what your name is from/ means? Your pic is cute btw
  7. Camisado
    June 6th 2012 10:54 PM - permalink
    Just thought id tell you that your hair is amazing! I love the colour and the finge it really suits you. Plus it reminds me of hayley williams' hair- dont know if that a compliment or insult to you but I personally adore her xD so yeah sorry for doing this all back to front but hey my names Charlotte nice to meet you but cool hair and name!
  8. Jack Lowden
    May 29th 2012 08:49 PM - permalink
    Jack Lowden
  9. CanadaCraig
    May 27th 2012 12:43 AM - permalink
    Hi Ceilidh!!
    I hope you're feeling groovy!
    ARE YOU?!
    I'm having a tough time.
    Being forced to make some really tough decisions.
    And given the fact that I'm not very confident... I sweat over everything.
    I leave a puddle wherever I go!
    What's going on in your life?!
  10. ZyBalilBOL9
    May 21st 2012 04:10 PM - permalink
    Hello, there. First like eveyone else drugs should be left alone. No telling in this day in age what's in them. Take this advice from an ex-stoner. And on the acount of there need to enjoy intercourse. If you fantasize alot about same sex more than the opposite. Than no boy is what you desire. Think and feel within your heart and mind the next time you gaze at another female. This might be tbe case. Or it mihht be that the only attraction thats striving is the need of attention he may be rejecting to give. No boy is worth becomming addict over if there's really no emotion but sexual stimulant. A flower in bloom only should open itself for mid-day sun. When night falls she knows its time to close up her pettles, intill her true energey for growth, returns.

About Me

  • Basics
    Wales, U.K.
    United Kingdom
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    funzies :D
    Relationship status
    Sixth form / college (UK)
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  • Interests
    Favorite quotes
    "But it's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then" - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
  • Signature
    "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."


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  • Last Activity: November 22nd 2024 01:22 AM
  • Join Date: August 31st 2009
  • Referrals: 2


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