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Jeez, get a life!

Doodle. Offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1361 to 1370 of 1970
  1. Kitty.
    June 28th 2010 05:54 AM - permalink
    I miss the red! Use RAW from Hot Topic! It's amazing! I am so fabulous! I had the best day ever!
  2. SonicFan
    June 27th 2010 09:56 PM - permalink
    Glad to hear it, I always like hearing from friends. Unfortunately most of mine went to uni this year so are scattered all over the country although one is in Wolverhampton.

    I've got sunburn on my neck, face and arms. Even using factor 50

    Nah I did sod all. Avoided the sun and watched football. You?
  3. Kitty.
    June 27th 2010 09:35 PM - permalink
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE your red hair.
  4. CanadaCraig
    June 27th 2010 09:27 PM - permalink
    Hi Ceilidh!!
    I hope you're having a super duper day!!
    YES!! It has been ages since we last spoke.
    I'm doing a little better - I think. I just need to find the courage to push over a few more 'dominoes' so I can really get going on my life and start fullfilling some of my dreams.
    How are YOU doing?!
  5. SonicFan
    June 27th 2010 09:26 PM - permalink
    Yes they are, 51 in about 2 weeks is quite impressive if I do say so myself, not a fan of PM though, dunno why I just like to keep it private.

    I'm ok, just lazing around in chat really. I need to get to bed but it's too warm

    how are you
  6. SonicFan
    June 27th 2010 09:19 PM - permalink
    Hi there, thanks for the random VM
  7. DarkSeph
    June 27th 2010 12:13 AM - permalink
    Ouch! Mebbe hide then, or at least have a veeery good sunblock handy. Natural light burns, I tend to avoid it myself.

    Sunny days are nice but I prefer an average warm, cloudy day anytime. Least it isn't raining though. o.o
  8. StabMyHeartLover
    June 26th 2010 10:34 PM - permalink
    Hmmmm I get into modes like Right now I lovveeeee Summer & being out in the sun. I really don't tan & stay pretty whiteish but not pale. I love fall the most. But whatever season where in , I just can't get enough of it.

    What about popcorn?
  9. Lil'OrphanAnnie
    June 26th 2010 10:32 PM - permalink
    ooo i think that would be really cute!!
  10. StabMyHeartLover
    June 26th 2010 10:18 PM - permalink
    I'm doing good.
    Today is pretty much a lazy day , gotta take it easy, casue yesterday I got a root canal!
    WHAT ABOUT YOU aka wbu?

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    Wales, U.K.
    United Kingdom
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    "But it's no use going back to yesterday because I was a different person then" - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
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    "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."


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