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Regular TeenHelper

Digit. Offline

Perfect INTP stereotype

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 3850
  1. Rivière
    November 2nd 2013 07:25 PM - permalink
    I'm good! Enjoying the weekend although I have a slight headache. How are you?
  2. Not_here
    November 2nd 2013 10:34 AM - permalink
    I guess, but it's 4:30 am and can't sleep

    that's good to hear, what's new these days?
  3. Not_here
    November 1st 2013 01:48 AM - permalink
    I'm fine. You?
  4. cookiesamilk
    October 31st 2013 03:50 AM - permalink
    I'm okay, thanks.
    How are you?
  5. Azure.
    October 31st 2013 03:28 AM - permalink
    I'm alright. How are you?
  6. Azure.
    October 31st 2013 02:52 AM - permalink
    Finishing up some homework. You?
  7. cookiesamilk
    October 30th 2013 04:23 AM - permalink
    Nothing much, hbu?
  8. Rivière
    October 28th 2013 11:19 PM - permalink
    Yeah I'm much better now thanks.
  9. Rivière
    October 28th 2013 11:02 PM - permalink
    Not that great actually. I went to work and ended up coming home after less than 2 hours because I felt really light-headed, had a headache and some kind of weird sinus/eye strain thing which made my eyes feel like they were going to explode. I'm much better now though so I'm not even sure what or how it even happened. How're you?
  10. Rivière
    October 28th 2013 10:56 PM - permalink
    Congratulations! That's such good news Jason! There is no right way to act 'normal', you just act how you feel you should act. Act how you do on a daily basis, that's what usually would be considered 'normal', if you have any trouble, ask your girlfriend so you don't do anything to make her feel uncomfortable. Hold her hand, give her hugs and cuddles, just be yourself but be close to her and slowly as your relationship develops you'll ease into how you feel you should act best.

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    Every heartbreak we go through makes us the perfect person for our soulmates. Shaping us into what they've always been looking for.

    Need to talk, PM me.

    To people(like me) who think asking for help annoys people I say:
    It would bother me if you DIDN'T ask for help.


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  • Last Activity: November 16th 2015 11:01 PM
  • Join Date: January 30th 2013
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