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Welcome me, I'm new!

CraigBarton Offline

GBH - CanadaCraig

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 19 of 19
  1. Zyzz
    April 16th 2010 02:15 PM - permalink
    hey Craig.
    That sounds like a good idea. Ill totally help you bring that word back too. Its a groovy word.
    Im still working on making myself disappear. im only at coins right now. but i can also find the coin behind your ear :P. But i have read a few minds on the TH Chat a few times. it was pretty groovy.

    lol thats a funny joke.

    Cars are pretty cool. i can totally understand the feeling of freedom behind it all.
    Thats pretty cool that Rob will let you do that. Rob seems like a groovy guy.
    GBH Jeff and remember keep it groovy
  2. Zyzz
    April 15th 2010 10:33 PM - permalink
    im totally feelin groovy dude. hope you are too.
    Sorry to hear that man. but hey at least you did something about it. and i can totally understand wanting to leave staff for that reason. As long as your happy with your decision im happy for you.
    No prob dude.
    and ill do my best to not get burned out i did enough of that while i was in school.
    And i like to listen to music and im currently working to a career in magic. but right now its just a hobby. lol.
    what do you like to do for fun?
    GBH Jeff
  3. ThrashAttack
    April 15th 2010 09:40 PM - permalink
    lol sounds bad
  4. ThrashAttack
    April 15th 2010 02:24 PM - permalink
    Hey craig.

    what happend to your old acount?
  5. Zyzz
    April 15th 2010 12:07 AM - permalink
    you only think? wanna talk about it dude?
    im good, just tired from work. :P
  6. Zyzz
    April 14th 2010 11:17 PM - permalink
    hi craig. hows life been treating ya. ps i used to be VNV
  7. Bean
    April 14th 2010 11:11 PM - permalink
    Thanks for the birthday message Craig, it made me smile (:
  8. L'espoir
    April 14th 2010 10:54 PM - permalink
    It's Jen, by the way, if you still remember me!
  9. L'espoir
    April 14th 2010 10:54 PM - permalink
    Hey Craig, I saw you resigned from staff and got a new account? I hope everythings ok, if you need to talk you know where I am! xxxx

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    Victoria, B.C. CANADA
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  • Join Date: April 14th 2010
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