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Conversation Between xx_stop_this_song_xx and InTheFlood
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
  1. xx_stop_this_song_xx
    June 29th 2009 06:39 PM - permalink
    lol that wud be!lol
    but if you did tell me that id prob be lik :0:0:0:0... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
  2. InTheFlood
    June 29th 2009 05:52 PM - permalink
    I could add that when i was in standing Danny high fived me and smiled at me...
    But that would be mean =p
  3. xx_stop_this_song_xx
    June 29th 2009 05:47 PM - permalink
    OMG IM 120% MORE JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!!!
  4. InTheFlood
    June 29th 2009 05:41 PM - permalink
    same I love Danny
    wanna be more jealous?
    I'm on Twitter and Tom replied to me =] I now have saved on my computer a message from Tom to me haha
  5. xx_stop_this_song_xx
    June 29th 2009 05:36 PM - permalink
    omg u seerious???? omg ur so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!*jealous* lol!!! wow thats so cul!!!!
    hmmm... id have to say Danny haha wbu??
  6. InTheFlood
    June 29th 2009 05:27 PM - permalink
    and I'm obsessed to don't worry its hard not to be
  7. InTheFlood
    June 29th 2009 05:26 PM - permalink
    yup. I went to the wonderland tour as well and the greatest hits and the up close but this time its personal tour. They are so awesome live! Who's your fave?
  8. xx_stop_this_song_xx
    June 29th 2009 05:23 PM - permalink
    yup-p!! course!! their Wonderland tour!!! they are so ultimately amazing!!!!!! i couldnt go to any of their others cos i had no money lol but ill be goin to thier next one!!!! i have a bit of an obsession in my own head with them lol!
    Have u seen them??
  9. InTheFlood
    June 29th 2009 05:18 PM - permalink
    lol your welcome
    have u ever seen mcfly live?
  10. xx_stop_this_song_xx
    June 29th 2009 04:51 PM - permalink
    i doubt ur a loser!!!!
    u reli do seem awsome!!
    lol me?... lol nah!!! haha but thanx!!!
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