Conversation Between xx_stop_this_song_xx and InTheFlood
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14
lol that wud be!lol
but if you did tell me that id prob be lik :0:0:0:0... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
I could add that when i was in standing Danny high fived me and smiled at me...
But that would be mean =p
OMG IM 120% MORE JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! OMG!!!!!
same I love Danny
wanna be more jealous?
I'm on Twitter and Tom replied to me =] I now have saved on my computer a message from Tom to me haha
omg u seerious???? omg ur so lucky!!!!!!!!!!!*jealous* lol!!! wow thats so cul!!!!
hmmm... id have to say Danny haha wbu??
and I'm obsessed to don't worry its hard not to be
yup. I went to the wonderland tour as well and the greatest hits and the up close but this time its personal tour. They are so awesome live! Who's your fave?
yup-p!! course!! their Wonderland tour!!! they are so ultimately amazing!!!!!! i couldnt go to any of their others cos i had no money lol but ill be goin to thier next one!!!! i have a bit of an obsession in my own head with them lol!
Have u seen them??
lol your welcome
have u ever seen mcfly live?
i doubt ur a loser!!!!
u reli do seem awsome!!
lol me?... lol nah!!! haha but thanx!!!