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Conversation Between Xujhan and Strider
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. Strider
    April 30th 2009 02:46 AM - permalink
    Sounds like you're going to have one crazy weekend! You'll have to tell me about it.

    Actually, I'm planning on dyeing my hair a light blond now because plans are in the motion for me to go to Anime North this year (my mom still needs convincing...arrgghhh). I want to cosplay (because I'm that geeky, and it's half the fun) as Shrodinger from the Hellsing OVA (pic for reference) should be fun if it actually happens.

    I'm happy that I've found a possible direction, but math is still a pain in the ass. We're learning about triangles that aren't really triangles right now. Who thought these things up anyway?

    I hope you're doing well and enjoy your weekend!
  2. Xujhan
    April 30th 2009 12:56 AM - permalink
    Mostly I'm hopping back and forth between my mum's house in Milton, my dad's house near Peterborough, and my friend's house in Hamilton, where I am now. Our two ex-friend bastardly roommates just moved out today, so we're thorwing a massive party this weekend. Holly says she wants to concoct hundreds of jello shooters, so it certainly promises to be interesting.

    My hair is naturally blond, and it was previously dyed a very light blond, so the colour takes to it perfectly. After dyeing and washing it the first time, none of it has come out. If you really want to do cool colours, just buy a couple of your own towels. My friends and I use Garnier dye brands; they work really well for us while being nice and cheap.

    I know what you mean about not being in University yet. I've been putting it off for ages, but now that I know what I want it feels like the next four months can't go by quick enough. Although I'm going to be doing awesome stuff with friends pretty much every weekend. We're a crazy bunch.

    It's great to hear you've figured something out! It doesn't matter so much whether its what you end up doing; as long as you've got a direction and you're pursuing something that interests you it's time well spent.
  3. Strider
    April 28th 2009 10:13 PM - permalink
    I was just about to poke you to see if anything had gone wrong! Delay much? Hah- it's really no trouble, so don't worry about it. I hope you're having fun touring around. Been anywhere cool so far?

    If you get a pic of your hair, I definitely want to check it out! That colour sounds so awesome. And it stays in alright? I had a bugger of a time trying to keep my redish colour in when I had it last year. It was cool for the first few weeks, and then my mom wouldn't stop nagging at me because the dye coming out was staining a bunch of towels after I showered...hehe...not so good. That was the end of cool colours for me I need to cut and streak my hair soon. Once done, I'll get you a pic of that. It'll be polar opposite to what you have, I'll bet.

    Spring is going pretty well for me so far, except for being sick! I'm getting over a bad head cold at the moment. Other than that, I'm getting out quite a bit and hanging with friends. I can't wait for summer though. My brother is already off school (jeez I hate that I'm not in university yet!) so he's got his summer already. I am supremely jealous. Well, I get to go to Wonderland this year, so he can be jealous of that!

    Oh, and I think I know what I want to do with my life now! At least as far as a career goes. I think I want to be a medical lab technician Sounds like a cool job and it's right up my sciencey alley. Not sure for certain it's what I'll end up doing, but that's my direction at the moment.

    Hope to here from you soon! Enjoy your touring around
  4. Xujhan
    April 28th 2009 12:46 AM - permalink
    Holy jeebus, sorry for the delayed reply! My friends and family have been dragging me all over the province. Well, the southern bit anyway. Hi!

    I don't actually garden on my own time, it's just a job. I have no green thumb at all. I work with my mum on a gardening crew. She does most of the actual gardening, as in keeping the plants healthy, and I do the cleaning and manual labour.

    My hair's just about grown down to my butt, although I'll have to trim it soon. Split ends are the devil. Oh, but I dyed it a wicked purple mahogany colour! I'll see if I can get a picture up in the hairstyling forum, it looks awesome!

    How've you been keeping? And how's the spring weather up there?
  5. Strider
    April 16th 2009 10:29 PM - permalink
    Not far from the truth at all How long is your hair exactly? I'm gonna bet it's longer than mine

    Renting a place with friends sounds like fun, though I don't think I'd ever be able to do it! Not that I don't trust my friends... I just think we'd get sick of each other! that, and I'm pretty sure we're all going to go to different universities and stuff anyways.

    I'm not too worried about crazies stalking me either, but my parents are a different story. My city is a whole lot bigger than Milton too. And you can assume that I'm an Ontarian because I am. Though that wasn't always the case. I was born in BC. I live in Ottawa now. I guess we're a few hours apart, then right? I haven't been to Toronto since I was 4 or something Ever been to Wonderland there? I heard it's a lot of fun.

    What do you like to garden? My dad has started his growing at the side of the house. Just flowers and tomatoes and stuff. We grew a lot of veggies at my grandma's when we stayed there. Pumpkins, zucchini, corn, peas, beans, whatnot.
    The best plant is the cactus, though. I still remember the time I asked Santa for a cactus for Christmas! I got one too

    So how have you been lately? I think I'm coming down with something, but I'm still trying to enjoy some time outside. My dog certainly can't get enough of outside, that's for sure.
    And I get to see a play tomorrow! My friend is in it

    (Thanks for saying I'm cool! That made me smile )
  6. Xujhan
    April 16th 2009 08:58 PM - permalink
    Spunky or not, I definitely consider you cool. And I definitely don't mind being the pretty guy with long white hair. Not like it's thaaat far from the truth, right?

    I actually left home already, it's not that that bothered me. I spent the past half year renting a house in Hamilton with five of my friends, and moving there wasn't difficult at all. Partly because I was moving in with friends, so it was hardly like I was on my own, and partly because my parents have been divorced for 12 years now, so I'm used to moving around a lot and not having a single steady home. Besides, I can't live at home and go to university; mum lives an hour away from anything and I can't drive.

    I live near Milton right now, a little town about an hour outside Toronto. A previously little town, I should say, it's doubled in population in the last few years and keeps growing. I liked it better as a quiet little town. I honestly don't mind people knowing where I live; the way I look at it, my odds of getting stalked and killed by a psychotic crazy from the internet are much lower than my odds of being stalked and killed by one of the psychotic crazies I'm friends with. So why sweat the small stuff? And it is absolutely gorgeous outside! I've spent six hours each day this week gardening in it, and it's been lovely.

    I infer from the way you worded your question that you're an Ontarian as well then? Cheers! Whereabouts are you from, again if you don't mind sharing? I think it would be wicked if I actually met a fairly close neighbor on the internet.
  7. Strider
    April 14th 2009 10:24 PM - permalink
    I don't mind being spunky and having a cool hat I actually have a very similar hat to that one. I don't know if I'd consider myself spunky though...but that's still cool. Thanks
    I guess that makes you the pretty guy with the long white hair, huh? Not too bad either.

    Leaving home sounds difficult. My parents want me to stay home for the first few years of university just to cut back on the costs. I can understand that. And the university has pretty good science classes, so I don't mind. But it will be sad when I move out. Good experience, but I don't know what I'd do without my family. My older brother especially. When he leaves I'm going to be so sad For a computer geek, he's pretty damn cool.
    But everyone moves on eventually, right?

    I'll keep the math help in mind Thanks for offering. I've gotten so that I'm half scared of my math teacher. She's kind of like the bearer of bad news for me (math being my lowest mark) and she does just talk at the class. She's not very nice about helping. I wonder why some people teach at all.

    Do you mind me asking what part of Ontario you live in? I'm just assuming you're in Ontario because you're going to Waterloo, but if I'm wrong or you'd rather not say, I'm fine with that.
    Wherever you are, I hope you're enjoying some nice weather. It is absolutely gorgeous outside right now
  8. Xujhan
    April 14th 2009 05:26 AM - permalink
    The story feels longer than it actually is to tell, just because I have so many little memories wound up in it. I do like the pic a lot though; Yue is a very pretty man.

    I hate teachers like that; their job is to help you learn, not to talk at you for 90 minutes a day. I've vowed before to be as patient and helpful a teacher as I can, regardless of the effort involved. If you want help with your math, I can try to give you a hand. It's been awhile though, so I can't promise I'll be much help.

    Going to Waterloo all on my own used to scare me, but I'm actually really looking forward to it now. It feels like a fresh start, in a lot of ways, which I think will do me a world of good. Not that I have a bad life right now or anything, really I've nothing to complain about, but there are some things I wouldn't mind leaving in the past.

    I know what I mean about your piscture though, I haven't been around at all since the server reset, and I still recognized your avatar. It's an awesome picture though, regardless of who it actually is. And now I'll forever picture you as a spunky lass with an awesome hat.
  9. Strider
    April 14th 2009 01:50 AM - permalink
    That's not a bad story for saying it was a long one It's creepy how pictures can follow you around sometimes. It's still a pretty cool one, though, so at least you don't need to be stuck with a bad pic.
    I really do hate math, but that's just because I'm terrible at it. I just don't get it and my teacher isn't much help. She's one of those that goes at super speed and then makes you feel bad for asking questions. But I think I want to go into science, so I need a good math mark So, I still wish I was good at it.
    I guess Waterloo is just one of those schools where a lot of people know people there. That, or I know math nerds Don't feel bad about not knowing people. I'm sure you'll meet some there.
    Actually, I must confess that my avatar picture is not me. Hehe....^^; I never meant it to be me, but I think a lot of people on here think it is. It's actually a picture of Ryan Ross, the guitarist for Panic at the Disco. And I believe it's a picture of when he got his tattoos done on the back of his arms. So, yeah, it's not me. Mostly because I don't put my pics online. It was the one I had when I was part of TeenHelp before the reset, so I thought people would recognize me better at first if I kept it. There's pictures that just stick, you know? This is one of them. I haven't taken it down. Mainly because it's not so dark, slightly positive, and not bad looking And I can't find another suitable picture. Ah well.
  10. Xujhan
    April 13th 2009 09:13 PM - permalink
    That picture used to be my avatar on PlayByWeb, an old text roleplaying site, just because it was one of the only male avatars in their gallery that wasn't horrifically ugly. Years later an acquaintance on deviantart googled 'Xujhan' to make an avatar for me and found that old picture. Since it seems so determined to follow me, I decided to just adopt it. ^^;

    Man, it seems like everyone here knows someone at Waterloo but me! I'm really looking forward to going though, I think it'll be a lot of fun. Why on earth would you want to be good at math though? Then you'd atually have to do the stuff. Don't worry about figuring out what you want to do too fast though; considering the massive costs of university it's always better to wait until you're at least pretty sure than to jump in too quick and find yourself in something you don't really like.

    What's your avatar, by the way? It's cute, but I can't figure out what you've got your face pressed up against. A piano?
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