*bows down before your greatness* Katrina asked me that last night, she was wondering if I would apply for staff again, peticularly the LiveHelp staff. Thanks for saying that I give good advice, that means a lot. It's just I would only be able to post and reply on forums, private and visitor messages while at work, since chatting is forbidden at work and is an automatic termination of employment if you're caught. The only time I'd be able to do it is on weekends.
Today I've been great! I went to karate this morning, I got some sweat going on, I also did 500 situps today, no joke, now my groin is in pain! Haha! A Japanese lady that has fancied me since the first day she met me(known her for almost 2 years), she told me I was handsome at karate today, and I had my glasses on!
I felt very flattered. *blush* I'm not going to hit on her though, I just think she is being friendly.