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Conversation Between Work_In_Progress and az143
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. az143
    March 21st 2009 07:34 AM - permalink
    haha i think you did too! lol lmao :P
  2. Work_In_Progress
    March 21st 2009 04:14 AM - permalink
    I think I made a good pimp on webcam!
  3. az143
    March 21st 2009 03:55 AM - permalink
    ha its ok i do that too sometimes, and uhh fine lol its gonna suck haha it was funny seeing you lol..and i hope its good
  4. Work_In_Progress
    March 21st 2009 02:44 AM - permalink
    Taken is still out in theatres? I can tell you right now it is a great movie! You'll like it I think. I'll be on a little bit tonight because it's the weekend and all, but for the weeknights, most likely I'm trying not to.

    lmao earlier I posted on my own wall haha
  5. az143
    March 21st 2009 01:54 AM - permalink
    thats cool..aww you're not gonna get on anymore! thats gonna suck im gonna see i think taken im not sure
  6. Work_In_Progress
    March 21st 2009 01:50 AM - permalink
    Gonna keep working for the next 3 hours, then go to sleep, so I can go to karate tomorrow morning! Which movie are you going to see?
  7. az143
    March 21st 2009 01:48 AM - permalink
    Ummm..i think later tonight i might go see a movie..and go out to eat..but idk.
  8. Work_In_Progress
    March 21st 2009 12:51 AM - permalink
    Thanks! Thanks! What are you up to for this weekend?
  9. az143
    March 21st 2009 12:45 AM - permalink
    lol cool, well i hope that works out for you haha :P
    i should prolly try going to bed earler too lol.
    haha && yes i like the picture lol
  10. Work_In_Progress
    March 20th 2009 09:24 PM - permalink
    Clarissa Hola! ¿Cómo es tu auto haciendo muy poco?
    I was not on MSN or TeenHelp chat last night, because I'm trying this new thing about going straight to bed right after getting back home from work and waking up early!

    I hope you like my avatar pic, I decided to put up an old picture of myself with a big red S spray painted on my chest.
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