Conversation Between WhisperingSilence and sabrina1
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
i used to have a myspace and i got in trouble for that so im not supposed to use the computer 4 anything but working so i get on here during school
oh right, i see, dont ur mom n dad no u use this site? mine dont either.
well ttyl but not at home i would be in so much trouble this whole thing is a secret
hi, im guessing you mean you want to know how to get arounf the forums ect? its easy you just click on the heading and it should load you then click new post, or if you want to reply click the title of one of the post on the board and click the reply button. to get into the chat room just click the down arrow, and then click enter chat room.
help i just joined and i cant do anything i mean i dont know how ?!?!?!?!?