lol we've never done that in english. sounds fun, the most i did in english was look up rude words in dictionary and sit there laughing at the deffinition of fart and when my teacher asked me what was so funny i had to stand up in my seat and say what i was laughing at. i was like 'fart' a gassious explosion between the legs.
the class laughed and my teacher was going red in the face aha. moral of the story when a student sits there dictonary in hands laughing, dont ask them to read out what is so hillariously funny that they cannot contiain themselves and do anything but laugh.
i dont know if they loved me or not, dont think my head of year did, i was often outside her office for some reason or another, arguments with bullies, talking in class, music player on in class and it being converscated, being kicked out of class, bunking class, arguing with teachers, being late for school. i once also ended up in the head teachers office, that was fun, i called her a snob and told her that i was glad that i got the school a bad reputation and that the argument with the person who i was arguing with would not have happened if the school had listened to me when i told them i was being bullied. head teacher didnt like it so threatend me with suspension and i came back with go on then suspend me but then you'll have to deal with my dad and school govenors. she didnt suspend me, but i told my dad and he came up the school the next week and demanded to speak to the head teacher. yup my teachers sure loved me

well some of them did... some of them did'nt...