Conversation Between VanishingActs and MadPoet
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
Yeah, I'm almost done with it and haven't been able to put it down! Haha.
Sounds like you're having a fun day, then :]
Body Combat sounds scary. I'd probably just stand there as well. xD
& Nope, I'm only 14. So I wouldn't be old enough to be in uni yet, sadly 
Nineteen Minutes is fantabulous =) The Pact made me cry! Still great though! Hehe yeah I'm glad it's working too. It wasn't working for me this morning - I wasn't impressed! At least it is all back now
I'm on holiday from uni at the mo so I'm chilling mostly and seeing friends from home. One of my superfit athletic friends is dragging me to body combat tomorrow and I'm the kind of girl that just watches
so that should be interesting!
Are you at uni too?
You're right, it does fit well for a username :]
I haven't actually got around to reading that one yet, I went to a used book store though when I was up north and got a few of her books, I'm reading Nineteen Minutes right now, which I really like so far :] I think the other two I got were Vanishing Acts and The Pact, they both sounded awesome to me 
& I'm doing alright, thanks :] I'm happy TH is working today, so I can actually have something to do with my life
How about you?
I adore the woman! Hehe yeah it is named after one of my favourite books =) It was either that or Keeping Faith or possible Nineteen Minutes but I thought VA had the best ring to it
Have you read her latest one - handle with care I think it's called? And how are you?
So, this is random, but I keep wondering if your username is based off of the book by Jodi Picoult? 
Since she's just like, the best author in existence, I had to ask. xD