Umm, I think the panic attacks were probably from a combination of stuff that had been piling on - worrying about how friends were doing, the normal wear from family stuff, knowing that I would be away for a few days probably had something to do with it, and then being sick probably just frustrated things since it mixed feeling physically beat up with feeling emotionally crappy. I crashed a bit, but I'm doing way better now. Thanks for offering to talk about it
I went to Florida, near-ish Orlando, though I did get to go to the beach the last day, which was a lot of fun, and the lovely pink sunburn I got is starting to fade now
Wow. Thank you. I'm not entirely sure I deserve that - I mean, in the end people are the ones who have to save themselves - but I'm glad to have helped. Anytime

Meh. Well, I suppose that up and down is better than just down. And sometimes it is a helpful reminder when it goes from down to up, remembering that that can (and does) happen. I'm sorry to hear about all the fighting; that can be really rough. If you ever need to rant, need a sympathetic ear, anything like that, you know where to find me. It's great that you're trying to keep looking forward; reminding myself that however "right now" might hurt, it won't always feel that way in the future, helps channel my own immediate responses to stuff like my family's fighting and things typically end up way healthier for me.
Anyway, I didn't mean to lecture you quite so much