Conversation Between Unidentified~Unicorn and RORO
Showing Visitor Messages 51 to 60 of 69
Yeah, no doubt. How many concerts have you gone to?
Well I love music and I have been to a ton of concerts for someone my age. I would have to learn a lot though.
I bet you'd be good at it. 
I hope so or work in Marketing with Music.
That'd be nice. You want to be a music producer?
It is in the city of Baltimore. If I am still around these parts and not in California studying Music Production which I want to do I will show ya around.
That place does indeed sound amazing. I'm putting that on my bucket list of places to explore after high school.
Yes I have and thank you. In the city though they have a place right next to the Contemporary Art Museum called Graffiti Alley where it is legal to go in and make Graffiti Art. Many artist do it and they are amazing. Once it gets really covered many artists have what they call a paint over day with white paint. It is a pretty amazing place.
Correct me if I am wrong, but you seem like a very sophisticated, artistic young lady. I also have a liking of "City Art". When I was younger, my cousins and I would get cans of spray paint and although it is wrong, we would graffiti local parks and/or my aunt's garage, inside and out. Have you ever done something like that before?
We sure are. I love going to Art Museums are looking at the other work there. I can be a critic of that even though it is all so good. What I really like is "City Art". Like graffiti artist. I think they are amazing. Whenever I see some of that I have to take pictures with it.