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Conversation Between Unicorn. and Faye.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 37
  1. Faye.
    September 3rd 2009 07:13 PM - permalink
    tuesday, lucky lucky thing I would kill for a few more lie-ins. I know.. TH addictions seriously suffer during school! though I do go on while I'm there using my iPod touch lol and why of course mine is xxstrawberry-kissezxx@hotmail.co.uk ugh I hate it, it's so embarrassing, what was I thinking? strawberry kissez? *shakes head*
  2. Unicorn.
    September 3rd 2009 06:55 PM - permalink
    Im back next Tuesdayy D= Bad, bad times my friend! I dunno what im guna do about my TH addiction :O
    Have you got an msn i can contact you by?
  3. Faye.
    September 3rd 2009 06:47 PM - permalink
    Haha, I'll hold you to that then
    don't insult gum! tis the bestest
    Just had my first day back at school, it honestly couldn't have been much worse. I have the worst timetable ever, and such crappy teachers it can't actually be true. And I have to put up with them for two years! But oh well, haven't met my history teacher yet though, he's new and apparently hot there's always a bright side haha. When do you go back to school?
  4. Unicorn.
    September 3rd 2009 06:36 PM - permalink
    You can have my hand anyy time you need it
    Oo, another person addicted to gum! I can't stand the stuff
  5. Faye.
    September 2nd 2009 05:41 PM - permalink
    Ooo yeah that is unlucky, I wouldn't be able to stand that lol actually DT isn't toooo bad, I just got annoyed because it was the only subject I never got an A which really pissed me off teachers were pretty crappy as well. And if you are willing to give your left arm I've always thought I could do with a third hand God I've chewed like 20 pieces of sugar free gum today I swear I'm addicted!
  6. Unicorn.
    September 2nd 2009 02:58 PM - permalink
    Purple is ze bestest, like you Faye!
    Aww, lucky! I'd give my left arm to drop DT! Unfortunate I go to a technology school really...
  7. Faye.
    September 1st 2009 02:19 PM - permalink
    Purple is extremely funky
    Ahh school could be worse I guess.. at least it's something to do lol by the end of the holidays I've usually run out of things to do! Plus I've dropped DT, spanish and geography this year so I'm very happy!
  8. Unicorn.
    August 31st 2009 12:23 PM - permalink
    Aww sucks Hope you feel better soon and all Faye,I'll miss you in staff! :hugs:
    Purple is totally funky though
    Aww no's, I'm back next Tuesday, and reallly not lookig forward to it! Still, chin up and all
  9. Faye.
    August 30th 2009 02:55 PM - permalink
    Ahh no problem, I suck at keeping in touch too Glad you had a good summer they do just fly by though, I'm back at school on thursday Yeah I resigned yesterday, it's been a been a rough summer and I've been having a hard time, but oh well, just have to keep my chin up I guess and purple's a pretty cool colour too
  10. Unicorn.
    August 30th 2009 01:48 PM - permalink
    Hey Faye
    It's has been a while! Sorry about that, I really do suck at keeping in touch with people sometimes.
    I'm alright thanks Pretty good Summer too!
    No more teal? =/
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