Conversation Between Unicorn. and Betsy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
Hello, Jess. I know I took almost 3 whole years to reply to your message. I am not a frequent visitor here, so... Please accept my apologies... Thanx for your message though.
Hey there Betsy! Welcome to Teenhelp!
Your username is so cute! I love it.
I'm Jess, and I'm one of TH's lovely buddies! I'm 14, so only just a little younger then you =D We're here to basically help new users around the site, which is pretty awesome, and if you've got any questions, or just fancy a random chat one day, drop me a message! I like talking to new people, and I don't bite! Honest!
Well, I hope to see you around sometime! S'laters x