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Conversation Between Troubled_Heart and Moxie.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 40
  1. Moxie.
    December 20th 2011 12:43 AM - permalink
    Hahah, no worries. I don't freak out about things like that too often.
  2. Troubled_Heart
    December 19th 2011 08:32 PM - permalink
    that said it doesnt have part 4 and that may annoy you...
  3. Troubled_Heart
    December 19th 2011 08:30 PM - permalink
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSQq_bC5kIw trailer
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4foH4HCzKA&feature=endscreen&NR=1 awesome scene
    I even play the violin
    Sherlock is the one who looks like me... dark hair

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPYkLoBnV4w&feature=related although this was unaired its the same..
    And all other parts link if its decent
  4. Moxie.
    December 19th 2011 08:23 PM - permalink
    Ohhhhh! I never actually knew the name for that thing. Out of the box is always best. I can't screw it up that way!! EW! Lumpy black chocolate sounds icky! Definitely send me a video though!
  5. Troubled_Heart
    December 19th 2011 08:19 PM - permalink
    I'm filtering youtube now to see something ideal
    A HOB You know the thing on top of the oven which has circles which fire comes out of to cook with pans on... that...
    That's the way forward if you ask me Out the box
    If you ever do you should totally send me some
    Maybe start by melting it... That's hard though... It goes lumpy and black if you leave it in the microwave too long

    I'll send vid when I find an awesome enough one
  6. Moxie.
    December 19th 2011 08:11 PM - permalink
    Hahah, you're making me laugh way too hard right now! I've never seen that, since I live in the USA. I'll YouTube it sometime though! Wait, what? What the heck is a hob? I can bake cakes if they come out of a box, but I never do anything from scratch. I definitely can't do chocolate. I'm not even sure I want to try. I'll ruin the good name of chocolate.
  7. Troubled_Heart
    December 19th 2011 08:06 PM - permalink
    Haha You've seen nothing... I wish I saved it now but I once filled a word document on exactly what was running through my head
    It was awesome...
    Have you ever seen the BBC Sherlock?
    I remind myself of him
    Ooo that's good She helped me a lot...
    I still managed to make my food taste dry...
    Aparently hers was ok... she ate it and hasn't puked yet...
    But she was moaning I didn't do veggies
    She's worried for uni...
    But last time I did them I spilt water all over and almost broke the hob...
    Can you cook cake?? And chocolate??
  8. Moxie.
    December 19th 2011 07:15 PM - permalink
    LOL! That was one of the most random trains of thought I've ever read. It was awesome. I'm a halfway decent cook. I've never poisoned anyone, so I guess that says something positive.
  9. Troubled_Heart
    December 19th 2011 04:35 PM - permalink
    That's good to hear I like it when others are happy
    Haha makes sense.. I'm also very busy...
    done 2 and a half of 8 holiday homework pieces...
    Cba to do any more today which will irritate my mother...
    She's not back till later though...
    And I have to cook tea...
    I can't even turn the oven on
    Slightly worried for her as I might poison her..
    She eats real meat which can cause her harm
    Can you cook?
  10. Moxie.
    December 18th 2011 11:27 PM - permalink
    I've been up and down. I'm having a great weekend though!
    I've just been keeping busy, as always. I forgot what time to myself even means. But, I wouldn't trade any of it.
    What about you?
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