Oh wow, that sounds like an absolutely brilliant place to write! I usually just sit in my room, put on
Ed Sheeran music, and stare at the sunset (or stars, but I usually can't write during the day xD) and just dive into my mind. LOL I must sound very mental now xD
It sounds great! LOL what singer?? That's a fantastic reason to want to go there!

True! Japan and China would be very fun! Apparently in Japan, when an American comes, everybody stares because they aren't used to seeing them

That's what my Uncle (lives in Japan) says.
Aww, I understand. Activities in private schools seem more abundant. I didn't do, like, anything when I went to private school. But I was able to get a lot more involved with private school. Maybe you could offer to start some sort of after-school thing? Like, we have a Social Justice League where we have events and fund raisers for charities and different awarenesses (we participated in Suicide Awareness Month, and I'm going to bring up doing something for Bullying Awareness Month). And yes, coffee and hot chocolate is brilliant. <3
You want to come to the states? Carp, my memory must be ridiculous, but where are you now? There are some fun places in the States. Naturally, my favourite states to visit was the new England states

Love love love <3
LOL you wish you were me? First time I've ever heard that! Why do you wish that??