Conversation Between Tattooed*Heart and Mirandagurl
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
I like the idea of queen ethelburge college (boarding school for all ages 3 to 19) for my future child if i am to have one and unless the fees is too much but im sure youd agree theres nothing wrong with been brought up with a top notch education
Yes, I am naming him after my Opa(Grandpa). His name is going to be Theodore Cole. I am going to call him Theo.
does he have a name then? some of my fellow girls use names since they talk to the baby who kicks from the inside lol its what they tell me
My mom is 40 years old and that is too old. I am thinking more 25-30 years old.
would you be with someone as old as your mum or is that too far lol but honestly it's true you need a boy who can be a man about it and not be like oh my life is over!
It sure does. The guy I had sex with didn't turn out to be so great. I know I will find some guy at some point. I am done with boys my age though. I am looking for older guys now that won't be afraid that I am pregnant or have a baby.
i want to be a mommy too one day but depends if i find a suitable daddy it takes two and that
Yes I have heard of Bread. "Make It With You" and "If" are two of their songs. I think I want to know the gender my baby because it gives me time to set up the Nursery.
well anyway, this other girl here was having a baby but it was like no one knew until she were born haa do you think it helps to know in advance? also have you heard of bread? that was the name of a soft rock band in the 70s
Oh No, I just like tattoo's. I am more of a Classic Rock kind of girl.