Conversation Between taking_c0ntr0l and BeautifulDisaster.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
That's good! I'm happy to hear that you are doing well.
My school finishes tomorrow, I'm still pretty iffy about it!
Life's alright. I'm hoping that the summer will bring in some fresh air.
And life for you?
Yea, things are going fine with me thanks.
Finish college very soon, too. Know what you mean about the bittersweetness :P
Hows life?
heyyyy =]
things are pretty all right.
schools almost over, which is bittersweet.
how bout you?
heyyy =]
things aren't too bad, same stuff pretty much.
new little things pop up every day, hah.
i'll probably be in chat later, perhaps you'll be there?