Conversation Between Swiftx and MadPoet
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
Well, I'm glad you think so, it definitely is a pretty cool place :]
And no problem!
The forum is great! It helps, it makes me feel better. I am so glad I came across this forum! And thanks for being so welcoming and nice (:
Ehh, I know what you mean, I'm pretty much the same. Don't know what it is about night time that causes depression to be worse, it's weird Haha.
So, how are you liking TH so far?
Oh I didn't even see this message until just now. I've had better days! I seem to be depressed more at night, sucks!
I'm doing alright, thanks :] Just super tired. Why I'm awake at 3 am, I have no idea How about you?
Hey (: Thanks for the comment! How are you?
So I noticed you were new, and even though I already posted in your thread in arrivals, I thought I'd say hey anyways. Just to start a conversation and all, since you seem like a cool guy. So, hey!