Conversation Between Starlett and missy mel
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
I have an entertaining thought pattern for you...
I miss the hippo who doesn't fit in the dunking chair, because I miss fighting mould, and as mad as that is, the mouldy one was a genius source of amusement!!! <3
p.s it would fit if we pushed really really hard!! and then bulge out everywhere hahahahaha... also it would break it so then it would drown and be proved not a witchypoo!! XxX
Hehehehe I am going home on saturday so me thinks the afternoon? hehehe me thinks at half two *nods*
I loves you muchly and miss yoooouuuuu!
Mel.... I'd like to ask you out on a date...
I've chosen the venue - msn
I'm thinking Saturday morning or afternoon, you can pick the exact time.
We need a catch up and what better day to do it on than love day?! 
Loves you x.x.x