Happiest new year! I hope it's been good so far! I've been a little preoccupied with myself and random things happening in my life that I've forgotten about everything else! I'm sorry I haven't replied to you message in so long!
So far, work is still pretty interesting enough for me to be here, but I'm thinking of maybe changing things up if I find something I feel I'm using my full potential with. Things are really slow and I haven't felt remotely productive at work because there hasn't really been much for us to do
Congratulations on your new(slightly not new but old) job!

As long as you're comfortable with your decision about the job and needing one till you're done with school, in those terms, I hope it's working out well for you so far. And goodness, I am so happy to hear about your new relationship! How has it been going?
I don't know too much of your past relationship, but I will say that I'm glad that it's in the past and you have someone who truly cares about you. <3