Yeah, science is DEFO not my favourite subject!
Oh, my gosh, that is insanely scary!! Is your cat okay now? I guess something like that is an eye-opener and what a meaningful way of getting into something or studying something. Almost life-changing you can say right? Wow.
Pretty much. See animals function way different than humans do, and yet, people treat animals like other people and because of that, animals can sometimes be disruptive, not listen to their owners, this is more in reference with dogs, than anything else. And well, when you understand how animals behave and function it kinda helps you deal with it, and train them, even if it's just in a domestic setting.
Aww, thanks! That means so much!
I think your choice is quite incredible.
Lol. You have time, I wouldn't worry too much. Just keep your options open. Like where you would like to go study, more than anything