Well, hmm, where do I start?
I love animals. I have this secret gift with them. Well, that's only what my friend says...it's not actually proven.
Then, I love climbing trees. I sing. Love to sing. And hopefully, by the end of this month, I would have cut a cd too! Exiting. Lol.
I can be super insecure about stuff, like who I am...who I want to be, and how others, well, perceive me. I can be super selfish sometimes, and quite rude when I'm impatient and tired. I'm a chatterbox. I can go on talking without anyone instigating a conversation and just go on and on with the other person just nodding along.
MY friend Steve keeps saying that, if he wants to be entertained when he's having a bad day and doesn't want to talk, he likes to call me. I don't know whether to take that as a compliment or not!! Haha. I don't know very much about myself...still figuring a lot out, as I go along.
How about you? (You understand what I mean about me rambling? Sometimes it never stops and my brother gets so mad at me for it!!