Conversation Between soul and redskin21210
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Running away isn't a good idea. If you think it would be hard to explain everything you can try and write it all down. Sometimes getting your thoughts out on paper helps you see things more clearly. I am here for you if you need me.
Lots of love <3 Mimi
Thanks for the follow up. No I didn't in the end. I've been getting yelled at a lot more now. I don't know- my situation is a lot more difficult than I stated and I don't know - I'm not that emotionally 'baggage child'. I don't know if any teacher will help me ; I've READ a lot and I know if I say anything they will report it because they're required by law etc but I just need help explaining all of this. My friend who knows tells me to run away but it isn't logical. :S
How are things going? Did you ever talk to anyone at school about things? I hope your okay.
Lots of love <3