Conversation Between SnowKitten and Toast
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
Hm, that sounds really interesting(the herbal teas and stuff). I like trying that stuff. Also, what is a Reiki Certification?
Yeah, I do. I'm going to try and get a Reiki certification when I turn 18.
I also like to make a lot of herbal/cleansing teas and such for people experiencing pain.
I don't cast actual spells as much as I use herbs to get things done. Spells use a lot of energy, time, concentration, and supplies, that I don't have access to all the time.
Wicca, is what I meant. Sorry, I reread what I wrote and I should have said Wicca instead of Wiccan.(I'm a bit of a grammar nerd too).
I'm interesting in learning more about Wicca, actually. For you personally, do you cast spells? I don't mean the "turning people into frogs" spells or anything but the healing ones and such?
Haha, yeah I'm Wiccan. I like it well good. I enjoy asnswering questions, so if you have any, let me know.
P.S.-In your last sentence, did you mean you find Wicca interesting, or Wiccans. Just wondering, because of the tense.(I'm an English nerd.)
Haha why thank you! We will indeed.
So I see you're Wiccan. How is that? If I could pick a religion to be I would be Wiccan. That would be awesome. Do you enjoy talking about your beliefs? I find Wiccan particularly interesting.
you are awesome.
i'm adding you.
we will get along.