Conversation Between sneezysnowflake12 and Skeleton
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
Don't worry. I'm always here to listen if you ever want to talk! And, things are pretty good, how about with you?
thank you for letting me vent....sorry u had to listen to my how r things with you
Don't be sorry, it's fine. And that sucks to hear, I'm sure you haven't lost a friend and that you'll work things out.
its in the mall...Johnny Rockets....i am blah....i feel like i lost a friend today...she said that she couldnt help me....which i know...i just wanted to see her and when i would go into her work she would get in trouble if i told the people to tell her that i said hi....sorry for telling you this
What job is it? And I'm good thanks, how're you?
yeah same here....i got a new job.... r u?
I'm good thanks, I haven't been up to much. How about you? x
how r u? what have u been up to?
It's ok.
no prob...i am ok....thank u for adding me