Conversation Between Skeleton and Elz
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
Cool beans, i just uploaded the pics from the meet i took and there are some funny ones, hehe! i will upload on my profile shortly.. xx
I'm doing okaii thanks!
And you?
Ahur indeedy, when it happens i will let you know, lol
Hehe, indeed. However i should start listening to jazz more, ^_^
Oh, well at least it was for a good cause! :P
I went to run a 5k race (race for life) although jazz told me not too, :P
Aww, that doesn't sound so good. How did you manage that?
Because I tore two ligaments in my knee and fractured my cartilage.. ;[
I'm glad to hear it. It's a shame about your hands though, it was a long day so I can imagine how painful and annoying it had to be. Howcome you had to use them? If you don't mind me asking. Glad it was worth it though. :]
Yeee, had a good day as well!
Although my hands are like DEAD now.. haha!
They have blisters on them, ;[
But it was worth it