Conversation Between shanster and Marguerite
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Thanks it's nice that some people have faith in me lol (: and awesome! We're cool ;D xox
I hope you do give up both. It's not easy but I think you can do it. Ps- I'm was also born on a 23rd in 1993 hehehe
Thanks hun. I've had a lot of mixed answers. I guess it all comes down to how much willpower I have. Smoking is the easiest to give up. But that won't stop me trying. It'd be nice to quit both (: xox
Hey. I really hope you do stick with smoking. No offense to the people that answered your question but think of it this way; All the happy, healthy people in your life are saying smoking. All the depressed, self harmers are saying cutting.