Conversation Between SecretsLiesInTheseEyes and Lost in Thought
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well done on being free this long I think about it alot every day is still a struggle I crave it every other morning I was using it for about 2yrs since i left the army I compleatly undrestand what its like for you your doing so well staying free will be hard but you can do it drug replacement therapy can help like a methidone program or some other alternatives if you see your doctor he/she can suggest something that can help ease the cravings and give you an easer time. and again well done
Hey, I just seen your post on number of days sober and wanted to ask you a question about it. I've been heroin free for 7-8 months. How often do you think about it, and how often do you crave it? If you don't mind me asking how long were you using consistently? I cannot stop thinking about it, I crave for it almost every night, and honestly going to bed sober is one of the hardest things for me to do.