Conversation Between Save the Donuts and Adam the Fish
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
Hey there, Aidan! 
Welcome to TeenHelp.
I'm Adam, a Live Help Operator and Article Editor here on the site - it's wonderful to have you here.
I've already responded to your Arrivals thread (it's great to see you getting into posting already), but I thought I'd give you another welcome on you wall here and introduce you to some of the features.
You've clearly already found the forums, and want to introduce yourself - if you want to let us know more about you, you can use your profile's "About Me" section to do so. You can fill in as many or as few as you'd like, here.
We also have a variety of other ways to give and obtain support. Notably, our Chat Room (which hosts weekly discussions in addition to its relaxed atmosphere normally) is great fun, whilst you'll always be guaranteed to get excellent advice from our Staff-run HelpLINK and Live Help systems.
There are loads of other ways to get involved in things, which are available through your menu bar at the top of every page.
What really makes TeenHelp is its community, and we have Buddies around to help you settle into the site. They have lime green names - infact, you can view a list of all of the friendly staff here at TeenHelp here. Please feel free to reach out to nearly any of us if you need a hand with anything. 
On the subject - if you ever need anything, whether it be advice, a listening ear, a friendly chat, help with the site, or any other matter, you can always ask me; just reply to this Visitor Message on my wall and I'll do my best to help.
So, that's about it; finally, you might be interested in How to get the most out of TeenHelp and How to Obtain Advice or Support - remember, we're here for you. Enjoy your stay!